Successful R&I 2018 – Programme


Thursday, 15 March 2018 (Day 1)

including exhibition: Innovations for Europe based in NRW

13.05Opening Session
Dr. Beate Wieland, Deputy Minister for Innovation, Science and Research, North Rhine-Westphalia
13.15Keynote Speech
Dr. Erich Unterwurzacher, Director, Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy, European Commission
13.35Success Stories in Europe based in NRW

NMM: SYMPLEXITY, Sebastian Hähnel, Fraunhofer IPT, Aachen  

Energy: HELIS, Dr. Marian Stan, University Münster, Münster
13.55Introduction of Partner Regions and Services for proposals and projects
Dr. Bernd Janson, ZENIT GmbH
14.00Coffee/Start parallel sessions
14.15Session 1 Workshops
“European projects seeking partners”

Nanotechnology, Materials and Manufacturing (NMM)

Dr. Thomas Fischer, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany

Implementation of Safe-by-Design thinking into manufacturing of products containing nanomaterials
Dr. Heli Kangas, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Espoo, Finland

Standardisation as Part of Successful Research and Innovation Projects
Stefanie Müller, DIN e. V., Berlin, Germany

Advanced structured materials by emerging 3D printing technologies for process industries
Dr. Vesna Middelkoop, VITO, Mol, Belgium

A mobile H2-solid-state tank based on highly porous nanomaterials for explosion proof storage of large amounts of hydrogen at high density, moderate pressure and room temperature
Prof. Dr. Niels Marquardt, Ruhr University Bochum & COMET NanoTec GmbH, Bochum, Germany

High Resolution Laser Based Additive Manufacturing, or in other words: Printing and Sintering with LIGHT
Dr. Gari Arutinov, Holst Centre/TNO, Eindhoven, Netherlands

Particle Process Technology: From the Synthesis of Highly Specific Nanomaterials on the Pilot Plant Scale to the Characterization of partilces.
Tim Hülser, IUTA e.V., Duisburg, Germany

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

KOKONinfo – an online platform with reliable and easy to grasp information about complimentary and alternative medicine for people with cancer
Annika Jäckels, TAKEPART Media + Science GmbH, Köln, Germany

Standardisation as Part of Successful Research and Innovation Projects
Katharina Sehnert, DIN e. V., Berlin, Germany

Call for The network of European Centres of Excellence in #Legaltech
Dr. Martynas Mockus, The Law Institute of Lithuania, Vilnius, Lithuania

Instytut Technologii Elektronowej : Research Activities and Opportunities for Collaboration
Dr. Tomasz Bieniek, Instytut Technologii Elektronowej, Piaseczno, Poland

CryptPad – Zero Knowledge cloud productivity technology
Caleb James DeLisle, XWiki SAS, Paris, France

Inventorum – An Open Innovation Platform Connecting Business and Academia
Dr. Jarosław Protasiewicz, National Information Processing Institute, Warszawa, Poland

BigSem – Big Semantic Data and Advanced Analytics for the Process Industry
Ralf Klinkenberg, RapidMiner GmbH, Dortmund, Germany

MFDS – Multifunctional Detection System for Safer Road Traffic
Dennis Dorn, Wilhelm Schröder GmbH, Herscheid, Germany
Sustainable Economy

Innovative recycling technologies as part of circular economy on the reseach site :metabolon
Prof. Dr. Michael Bongards, TH Köln – University of Applied Sciences, Gummersbach, Germany

Upgrading of manure: reduction of ammonia emissions and production of organic fertilizer
Dr. Horst Meyrahn, Agrihumin GmbH, Brühl, Germany

Urban transformations of the post-industrial era
Dr. Kaisa Schmidt-Thomé, Demos Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland

Engaging consumers for a sustainable economy
Nora Brüggemann, Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Production and Consumption (CSCP), Wuppertal, Germany

COLOSSAL. SC5-07-2019: Raw materials innovation for the circular economy: sustainable processing, reuse, recycling and recovery schemes
Sreenivaasa Pamidi, Exergy NETHERLANDS, Delft, Netherlands


„FlexPad“ – conical Sliding bearing for Wind Turbine Main Bearing application
Amadeus Rolink, RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany

Research on Catalysis for Storing Renewable Electricity
Dr. Hans Fredriksson, Syngaschem BV, Eindhoven, Netherlands

Isobaric expansion engines: New opportunities for power generation, pumping and compression
Dr. Alexander Kronberg, Encontech B.V., Enschede, Netherlands

“CAPRI”: Cavitational Assisted Paraxylene Reactor Industrialization manufacture of polyesters and PET (poly-ethylene-terephtalate).
Dr. Paola Castrillo, Vertech-Group, Nice, France

Symbiosis between industry and water utilities H2020 call SC5-04-2019 (Innovation Action)
Vicky Leloup, Province of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium

An Introduction to TWI and the Materials Group
Damien Kirkpatrick, TWI Ltd, Cambridge, United Kingdom

High-performance Rotors
Peter Szilagyi, Breuckmann GmbH & Co. KG, Heiligenhaus, Germany

EC H2020 CHESS-SETUP Combined Heat Supply System by using Solar Energy and Heat Pumps
Renee Wansdronk, Wansdronk Architektuur, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Fuel Cell – EHS hybrid module development
Dr.- Ing. George Bandlamudi, EnerALL – Electro Chemical Systems GmbH, Willich, Germany
16.15Session 2 Workshops
“European projects seeking partners”

Nanotechnology, Materials and Manufacturing (NMM)

Nanocomposite Powders for Laser Additive Manufacturing
Dr. Tobias Teckentrup, University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany

Interactive Digital Twin for Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Problem Solving in Industrial Production and Maintenance
Dr. Sven-Volker Rehm, WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar, Germany

Development of the Fe based and Cu based alloys for Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing
Dr. Wojciech Burian, Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals, Gliwice, Poland

Development and industrial application of the biodegradable magnesium alloys.
Anna Seraya, Boris Golman-Nazarbaev university, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhastan

Open Pilot Line Philosophy at COATEMA
Dr. Nico Meyer, Coatema Coating Machinery GmbH, Dormagen, Germany

Solutions for Advanced manufacturing & processing & Structural Dynamics
Christophe Loffet, V2i, Liège, Belgium

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

Nearshoring in ICT projects – the possibility or necessity – Successful Mobile Communication Solutions cooperation on H2020
Przemek Mikus, Liki Mobile Solutions, Lodz, Poland

Controlar, Innovating Industry
Dr. Carla Pereira, Controlar, Lda, Alfena, Portugal

Open World Wide Laboratory Infrastructure for student created experiments
Dr. Mirosław Brzozowy, Warsaw University of Technology, Warszawa, Poland

3D multi-domain simulation as universal means for integrating virtual technologies into research projects
Frank Heinze, RIF Institute for Research and Transfer eV, Dortmund, Germany

Defense from Covert Channel Cyber-attack over video stream payload. Exploiting compressed video domain redundancy for cyber protection
Yoram Segal, Ben Gurion University, Hofit, Israel

Data Science integration without black boxes
David Arnu, RapidMiner GmbH, Dortmund, Germany

Gamification and applied gaming across various domains
Jens Piesk, Nuromedia GmbH / Nurogames GmbH, Köln, Germany

Life Sciences

Needle free vaccination and other smart patches
Dr. Sebastian Braun, tesa Labtec GmbH, Langenfeld, Germany

Convergence programme towards mastering of Personalized Medicine solutions.
Dr. Miroslaw Kwasniewski, Medical University of Bialystok, Bialystok, Poland

RNA technology platforms in regenerative medicine
Dr. Kai Gräber, Cluster for Individualized ImmuneIntervention (Ci3) e.V., Mainz, Germany

Bridge between Medical Biology and Clinical Medicine
Dr. Dorota Makarewicz, Mossakowski Medical Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland


Fuel Cell Systems using Ammonia as Renewable Energy Carrier for Future Hydrogen Societies
Michael Steffen, Zentrum für BrennstoffzellenTechnik GmbH, Duisburg, Germany

Metals R&D at Ghent University
Dr. Karen Hemelsoet, Ghent University, Zwijnaarde, Belgium

Maximizing the impact of your energy R&I projects through adequate dissemination, exploitation and communication of your results
Marie Prouteau, Euronovia, Paris, France

CalorAir best air/water heat pumps -refrigerant reduction in the heat pumps -noise level reduction in the heat pumps -increasing COP in the heat pumps
Pawel Matusiak, fast development, Sosnowiec, Poland

Metal Fuel Energy Applications
Dr. Martin Timmer, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands

Business cases for industrial waste heat/cold recovery. SC3-EE-06-2018
Jesus Serrano, Sustainable Innovations Europe, Madrid, Spain

3D Inverse Design Methodology for Turbomachinery Components
Dr. Maria Vera-Morales, Advanced Design Technology Ltd., London, United Kingdom

Operation of local TRIGENERATION power system
Jacek Glowinkowski, Wroclawski Park Technologiczny SA (Wroclaw Technology Park), WROCLAW, Poland

Remote Smart Meters Errors Monitoring Methods Research and Implementation
Prof. Dr. Žilvinas Nakutis, Kaunas university of technology, Kaunas, Lithuania
18.15Session 3 Workshops
“Services for proposals and projects” – Presentations by National Contact Points (NCPs), Enterprise Europe Network / ZENIT

Workshop: Innovation and Financing Support for SMEs

Horizon 2020: SME Instrument and Fast Track to Innovation
Dr. Michael Wessel, National Contact Point for materials

Access to Finance
Verena Würsig, NRW.BANK

Timon Gottschalk, NRW.BANK

IraSME & ZIM-International
Georg Nagel, AiF Projekt GmbH

Other European funding programmes/ Scale-up NRW
Benno Weißner/Juan Carmona-Schneider, ZENIT GmbH / NRW.Europa

Workshop: Exploitation of R&I Results – Entering the Marketplace

Horizon 2020: TETRAMAX – Technology Transfer Experiments and Digital Innovation Hub
Dr. Bernd Janson, ZENIT GmbH

Digitalisation in NRW
Oliver Weimann, ruhr:HUB

Digitalisation in Europe – Climate-KIC
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rams, Provadis School of International Management and Technology

Enterprise Europe Network Services
Sabrina Wodrich, Dr. Uwe Birk, ZENIT GmbH / NRW.Europa
Workshop: Innovation Procurement in Horizon 2020
Anne Müngersdorff, ZENIT GmbH / NRW.Europa

PCP Contractors wanted
Florian Berberich, Supercomputing Centre Institute for Advanced Simulation

Best Practice report from a company: Strategic Planning and Business Development
Fabrizio Magugliani, E4 Computer Engineering SpA

KOINNO EU Contact Point: Innovative Procurement in Germany
Doris Scheffler, ZENIT GmbH / NRW.Europa
20.30“Düsseldorf by night” bus tour/city sightseeing

Friday, 16 March 2018 (Day 1)

including exhibition: Innovations for Europe based in NRW

9.35Services for Proposals and Projects
Jan Skriwanek, National Contact Point Life Sciences, Project Management Agency – part of the German Aerospace Center, PT DLR
9.45Success Stories in Europe based in NRW

Life Science: PoC-ID, Dr. Albert Schnieders, CNM Technologies GmbH, Bielefeld

Life Science: ASSESS CT, Julian Sass, Hochschule Niederrhein, Krefeld
10.05Coffee/Start parallel sessions
10.15Session 4 Workshops
“European projects seeking partners”

Nanotechnology, Materials and Manufacturing (NMM)

Advanced Microforming processes and Nanomaterials.
Prof. Dr. Christoph Hartl, Technische Hochschule Köln, Köln, Germany

New Electrostatic Spraying Technology
Dr. Rene Massard, Kemica Coatings, Mignieres, France

Computational Material Modelling for Fast-Paced European Industrial Productions
Prof. Dr. Amir Horr, Austrian Institute of Technology, Vienna, Austria

Namur Nanosafety Center / Synthesis, Irradiation & Analysis of Materials. Your partner for characterisation/evaluation of NMs
Dr. Jorge Mejia, University of Namur, Namur, Belgium

Foam Glass Insulation Blocks Manufacturing for Construction Industry
Gary Raskin, LfG, Dusseldorf, Germany

Bio-inspired Tools for Nanofabrication
Prof. Dr. Amir Fahmi, Rhein-Waal University of Applied Sciences, Kleve, Germany

R&D and prototyping of applied AI-driven Intelligent Sustainable Systems supporting Smart management, governance, operations and condition monitoring
Dr. Serguei Golovanov, GOLEM Integrated Microelectronics Solutions GMBH, Vienna, Austria

Corrosion Performance & Advanced Materials Characterisation Capabilities at TWI
Dr. David Griffiths, TWI, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

Handelsblatt Research Institute
Dr. Jan Kleibrink, Handelsblatt Research Institute, Düsseldorf, Germany

Looking for partners in eHealth and Industry4.0 solutions
Dr. Jon Arambarri, Virtualware, Basauri, Spain

Semantic Relationship Orchestration of decentralized digital Identities using distributed Identity Management Systems.
Thorsten Niebuhr, WedaCon GmbH, Muenster, Germany

Partners sought for emerging innovations in Blockchain, Fin-Tech, Health-tech and oncological healthcare.
Ad Popper, Xilion webservices, Heiloo, Netherlands

Beyond 5G : The networkless network and a new dawn
Dr. Rajarshi Sanyal, BICS, Brussels, Belgium

Research interests and Collaboration Areas
Prof. Dr. Hamid Bouchachia, Bournemouth University, Poole, United Kingdom

Life Sciences

PINTra – Platform for Intelligent Transparency
Daniel Ziegelmayer, COREVAS GmbH & Co. KG, Grevenbroich, Germany

ReceptIVFity – Fertility Microbiome Profiling for IVF/ICSI
Dr. Jonathan de Jonge, ARTPred, Hoofddorp, Netherlands

Individual manufacture of medical Ti-implants using microplasma processing
Prof. Dr. Darya Alontseva, East Kazakhstan state technical university, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan

CasZyme – Pioneers of CRISPR Cas technology
Dr. Monika Kavaliauske, CasZyme, Vilnius, Lithuania

Controlling of protein disorder and protein aggregation in health and disease
Dr. Stefan Rüdiger, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands

Flexible microfluidic Lab-on-Chip systems for IVD applications
Dr. Jan Hesse, Joanneum Research, Graz, Austria


At the interface between Logistics and IT. New horizon of Stopguard project.
Evgeny Novikov, GPC Doerfer International GmbH, Aachen, Germany

CargoRider – A new mobility service for cargo ships
Frank Michelberger, University of Applied Sciences St. Poelten, St.Pölten, Austria

Integrated multi-modal measures of user experience
Dr. Andrew Spink, Noldus Information Technology BV, Wageningen, Netherlands

Disrupting Emission Testing and Monitoring
Aleksandra Karimaa, Gasera Ltd, Turku, Finland

Remote Management of Mobile Devices used in European Transport.
Mariusz Walczak, Liki Mobile Solutions, Łódź, Poland

VaVeL: Variety, Veracity, VaLue: Handling the Multiplicity of Urban Sensors
Dr. Thomas Liebig, Technische Universität Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany
12.00Session 5 Workshops
“European projects seeking partners”
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

ROADART – Research On Alternative Diversity Aspects foR Trucks
Matthias Schneider, IMST GmbH, Kamp-Lintfort, Germany

Medical diagnostic photonic sensor development and other biosensing technologies for point-of-care testing in health applications
Dr. Rainer Hainberger, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Wien, Austria

Looking for partners in Energy & Industry 4.0. Presenting ideas for future projects, early products and research results in AI, Computer Vision and HPC.
Marcin Rojek, byteLAKE, Wroclaw, Poland

Geometrical Structures – declueted from Point Clouds
Dr. Hanns-F. Schuster, GEOhaus GbR, Haus der Geoinformation, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany

Technology transfer via multinational application experiments in customized and low-energy computing
Eva Haas, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany

Life Sciences

AIT biomarker discovery, bioinformatics, and biosensor development for upcoming H2020 projects
Dr. Stephan Pabinger, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Wien, Austria

A Life Sciences Interdisciplinary Approach to Sustainable Intensification in Africa (SFS-35-2019 call)
Aykut Sancakli, Dimov Rosen, Serdengeçtiler Agricultural Production Partnership, Mersin, Turkey

Innovative solutions for diagnostics
Balazs Czibok, University of Pécs, Pécs, Hungary

bloom – Boosting European Citizens’ Knowledge and Awareness of Bioeconomy Research and Innovation
Norbert Steinhaus, Wissenschaftsladen Bonn – Bonn Science Shop, Bonn, Germany

CDISC Presents the Importance of clinical research data standards and their fit with wider research standards landscape in a connected data framework
Paul Houston, CDISC Europe Foundation, Cenon, France

Looking for 15 Early Stage Researchers in Biomedical Research and Biostatistics for the International Interdisciplinary PhD studies at the Medical University of Bialystok
Dr. Miroslaw Kwasniewski, Medical University of Bialystok, Bialystok, Poland
13.00Interactive lunch/Find a partner