Successful R and I in Europe 2019
10th European Networking Event
- 14. Feb. 2019 - 15. Feb. 2019
- Van der Valk Airporthotel   
- Englisch
Van der Valk Airporthotel    
Van der Valk Airporthotel Düsseldorf, Am Hülserhof 57, 40472 Düsseldorf, Deutschland Lage14. Feb. - 15. Feb. 2019
The conference, which was staged for the tenth time in 2019 and has been a great success with over 3000 participants since 2009, invited researchers and entrepreneurs from North Rhine-Westphalia and regions in Europe to find new European research and innovation (R&I) partners for Horizon 2020 projects and/or to present their research results from EU-funded projects that are ready for commercialisation.
In 2019, the special partner regions were Belgium, Finland, France, Israel, the Netherlands and Poland. However, the event was of course open to participants from all over the world!
There was also an exhibition entitled „Innovations for Europe based in North Rhine-Westphalia„.
In 2019, special partner regions were: Belgium, Finland, France, Israel, the Netherlands and Poland.
The networking event was structured in parallel workshops focussing on seven topics:
- Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
- Nanotechnology, Materials and Manufacturing (NMM)
- Energy
- Circular Economy
- Life Sciences
- Transport
- Innovative Public Procurement (PCP/PPI)
The event addressed especially universities and research institutes as well as small and medium-sized enterprises. Participants were invited to become involved in established and new technology networks between researchers, entrepreneurs and multipliers related to Horizon 2020. Giving a short presentation (ideas and/or results) or finding a partner by talking to decision-makers opened doors for new research and innovation projects in Europe with a focus on Horizon 2020.
The Workshop Programme features only those presentations where the presenters have consented to their online publication.
In order to follow up the event, we would appreciate some feedback from you, particularly about whether you have established any worthwhile contacts related to preparing proposals for Horizon 2020.
Conference fee: € 120 (€ 95 one day) per person including VAT.
Invoices were despatched shortly before the event.
Free participation for speakers in sessions 1 to 5.
Please note that the event organizer does NOT cover any travel expenses, costs for hotels etc.! The conference fee includes dinner on 14. February, lunch on 15. February, tea/coffee/cold drinks during the breaks and the airport-venue shuttle (solely as provided by the organizers). Registration is binding. We reserve the right to charge the participation fee if a delegate fails to cancel his or her attendance by sending an email to the contact persons indicated below by 13 February 2019.
Dr. Bernd Janson
Telephone: 0049 208 30004-22
Email: bj(at)zenit.de
Heike Hoffzimmer
Telephone: 0049 208 30004-35
Email: hz(at)zenit.de
Rebecca Großmann
Telephone: 0049 208 30004-16
Email: gr(at)zenit.de

Professor Günter Huhle
Founder, COREVAS GmbH & CO.KG
“In 2017, Corevas attended the event to seek a Horizon 2020 partner. We not only found one and made valuable contacts, we also developed and launched our product EmergencyEye in a record time of 18 months.”

Eva Haas
TETRAMAX Project Manager, RWTH Aachen
“The event is the place to be for European researchers from academia and industry looking for partners. Our presentation led to considerable feedback, which we found both motivating and fruitful.”
Thursday, 14 February 2019 (Day 1)
including exhibition: Innovations for Europe based in NRW
13.00 | Welcome |
13.05 | Opening session Klaus Kaiser, Parliamentary State Secretary, Ministry of Culture and Science of North Rhine-Westphalia |
13.15 | Keynote speech: “10 years Enterprise Europe Network: Results and Challenges” Mattia Pellegrini, Head of Department Finance and Administration, Executive Agency for Small and Medium Enterprises (EASME), European Commission, Brussels |
13.35 | Success stories in Europe based in NRW NMM: Carbon4PUR, Dr. Liv Adler, COVESTRO Deutschland AG, Leverkusen ICT: ROPOD, Prof. Dr. Erwin Prassler, Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Sankt Augustin |
13.55 | Introduction Partner Regions and Services for Proposals and Projects Dr. Karsten W. Lemke, ZENIT GmbH |
14.00 | Coffee/Start of parallel sessions |
14.15 | Session 1: Parallel workshops “European projects seeking partners” |
NMM I Pilot-Plant Synthesis of Highly Specific Nanoparticles for Industrial Applications Tim Hülser, Institute for Energy and Environmental Technology e.V. – Particle Process Technology and Characterization, Duisburg, Germany Nanodiamond technologies for industry, energy, science & medicine (H2020: FETOPEN, DT-NMBP-18, DT-NMBP-19, LC-NMBP-32, DT-NMBP-12, SC1-BHC-07) Dr. Michael Farber, Ray Techniques Ltd. – Nanodiamond technologies, Jerusalem, Israel Novel solutions for cellulose-based materials and advanced manufacturing technologies Dr. Heli Kangas, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Espoo, Finland Research for the Plastics Industry Dr. Gregor Fornalczyk, Gemeinnützige KIMW Forschungs-GmbH, Lüdenscheid, Germany Instytut Technologii Elektronowej: Research Activities and Opportunities for Collaboration (Div. of Silicon Microsystem and Nanostructure Technology) Dr. Tomasz Bieniek, Instytut Technologii Elektronowej – Division of Silicon Microsystem and Nanostructure Technology, Warsaw, Poland Interface design for structural materials of high strength and high ductility Dr. Lorenz Romaner, Materials Center Leoben Forschung GmbH, Leoben, Austria Looking for partners Dr. Ojars Balcers, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences – Socio-technical Systems Engineering Institute, Valmiera, Latvia Aledia partnership for microLed display Eric Mottin, aledia, Grenoble, France Advanced structural characterization and multi-scale simulation of nanomaterials Alexander Neirinckx, Universiteit Antwerpen – NANOcenter, ANTWERPEN, Belgium ICT I EmergencyEye X – Digitization connects people in crises situations with professional services Prof. Dr. Guenter Huhle, Corevas GmbH & Co.KG – EmergencyEye®, Grevenbroich, Germany Smart packaging for the food industry using a plastic NFC chip and printed graphene antennas Martin Scattergood, SES RFID Solutions GmbH, Düsseldorf, Germany Integrated Circuits & Systems Development: R&D Activities and Collaboration Opportunities for Sensor Networks, Power Electronics and Telemedicine Dr. Grzegorz Janczyk, Instytut Technologii Elektronowej – Integrated Circuits and Systems Design, Warsaw, Poland Machine Learning and Cyber Physical Systems: Let’s move towards Digital Transformation Prof. Dr. Mahdi Bohlouli, Petanux GmbH, Bonn, Germany User-in-the-Loop : A paradigm shift for assisted sustainable living Prof. Dr. Rainer Schoenen, HAW Hamburg – Kommunikationstechnik, Hamburg, Germany Intelligent Behavior Research Platform Dr. Andrew Spink, Noldus Information Technology BV, Wageningen, Netherlands Strengthening European research and industrial capacities through interactive technologies Jens Piesk, Nuromedia GmbH, Cologne, Germany Secure chips for Cyber Intelligent Physically Independent Objects Fethulah Smailbegovic, CognitiveIC, Delft, Netherlands DIH-HERO – Digital Innovation Hubs in Healthcare Robotics Jonas Gesenhues, RWTH Aachen University – Insitute of Automatic Control, Aachen Circular Economy I Sustainable Technologies and Resources for Circular Economy from Laboratory to Industrial Scale on our Research Site :metabolon Prof. Dr. Michael Bongards, TH Köln – University of Applied Sciences – Institute Metabolon for Sustainable Technologies and Resources, Gummersbach, Germany Bioelectric Systems for next generation biofuels and chemicals Prof. Dr. Fabian Fischer, HESSO Valais – School of Engineering, Sitten, Switzerland Thermochemistry as a key tool in the development of innovative materials and processes Dr. Stephan Petersen, GTT-Technologies (GTT Gesellschaft für Technische Thermochemie und -physik mbH), Herzogenrath, Germany Opportunities for circular economy in project-based industries Dr. Tuomas Ahola, Tampere University – Industrial management, Tampere, Finland CO₂-free Hydrogen Production by physical Carbon Capture from Methane Stefan Petters, guo – Business Development Consult – Carbotopia Syndicate, Vienna, Austria Positive environmental Impact of actively cooled floating Solar PV Christian Kirschning, SolarAnts, Düsseldorf, Germany Treasure in the toilet Brendo Meulman, DeSah, Sneek, Netherlands Energy I Towards Sustainable Process Industries Prof. Dr. Axel Gottschalk, SUPREN GmbH, Dortmund, Germany Clean, Sustainable Transportation in Sea, Air and Land Dr. Ömer Cora, Karadeniz Technical University – Mechanical Engineering, Trabzon, Turkey Applications of ultrasonic technologies for different sectors of industry, energy and life sciences Prof. Dr. Renaldas Raisutis, Kaunas University of Technology – Ultrasound Research Institute, Kaunas, Lithuania Patent: EP15713831.4 Energy- and resource-efficient, sustainable drive system „Energy-Light“ Juan Carlos González Villar, Kabel.Consult.Ing – Engineering, Mönchengladbach, Germany Saule Technologies and Saule Research Institute – Optoelectronics from Poland Dr. Dávid Forgács, Saule Technologies, Warsaw, Poland Accelerating Inertial CO2 Extraction System (ICES) Ekaterina Masloboeva, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology – Center for Design, Manufacturing and Materials, Moscow, Russia | |
16.15 | Session 2: Parallel workshops “European projects seeking partners” |
NMM II Release of Nanomaterials during their Life Cycle Dr. Burkhard Stahlmecke, Institute for Energy and Environmental Technology e.V. – Particle Process Technology and Characterization, Duisburg, Germany Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) including chemical reactions Dr. Els Nagels, InsPyro, Heverlee, Belgium Closed-loop and self-corrective system for process monitoring and quality control of injection molding process Sandrine Lebigre, IPC – R&D, Bellignat, France Massively-parallel FPGA-based simulator of complex systems (ARUZ) Dr. Krzysztof Halagan, Lodz University of Technology – Department of Molecular Physics, Lodz, Poland AdWoPlas – “Advanced Workbased and Virtual VET Environment for Plastics Education in Europe“ Torsten Urban, Kunststoff-Institut Lüdenscheid – Education & Training, Lüdenscheid, Germany Facile separation of rubidium and cesium from aqueous brines. From proof-of-principle to application Prof. Dr. Klaus-Richard Pörschke, Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany Innovative and high quality rotomoulded liners for hydrogen tanks Solenn Taveau, RAIGI SAS – Hydrogene, Rouvray-Saint-Denis, France Nanotechnology – the basis for successful research and innovation in Europe Dr. Michael Hornung, AMO GmbH, Aachen, Germany Integrated Material Modelling- Materials for European Industrial Manufacturing Dr. Amir Horr, Austrian Institute of Technology – Low Emission Transport, Vienna, Austria ICT II EU Research Activities at Fraunhofer Institute for Microelectronic Circuits and Systems: Cooperation Opportunities Julia Hauser, Fraunhofer IMS – CMOS Microsystem Technology, Duisburg, Germany Pilotproject “Big Data driven B2B and B2C infrastructure to disclose Romania for Europe”, as implementation model to disclose all EU Member States. Ad Popper, Xilion webservices – R&D, Heiloo, Netherlands Digital Manufacturing Platforms for Connected Smart Factories Damian Borowski, BOR&BAR, Berlin, Germany MonetDB: your analytical database in the cloud and on HPC platforms Dr. Ying Zhang, MonetDB Solutions, Amsterdam, Netherlands Combining digital twins to build virtual test beds for complex application scenarios Frank Heinze, RIF Institute for Research and Transfer e.V. – Department of Robot Technology, Dortmund, Germany Proof-of-concept: stability and reliability of emergency services based on smart watches as medical devices in health care Dr. Achim Hager, Vitatel GmbH – eHealth / emergency solutions, Oberkotzau, Germany Releasing Potentials of interconnected process chains in the manufacturing of personal protective clothing (PPE) Arash Rezaey, RWTH Aachen – Institut für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany Understanding MRI: information and training website on magnetic resonance imaging for patients with multiple sclerosis Natalie Tutzer, TAKEPART Media + Science GmbH, C, Germany Wearable health monitor for health and elderly care Emrah Aydinalp, Pandora X Software Studios – IT, Bursa, Turkey Life Sciences II From animal venoms to pharmacology and drugs Prof. Dr. Victor Tsetlin, Limited Liability Company „Syneuro“ – Department of molecular bases of neurosignalization, Shemyakin-Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia Natural phage-based solutions for bacterial pathogens Adrian Augustyniak, PhageArmour LTD, Pyrzyce, Poland Quantitative analysis (qSERS) is an affordable assay for absolute quantification of analytes such as drugs proteins and pesticides within few seconds Dr. Mohammad Salehi, CENIOS – Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Osnabrück, Germany A novel laser-based precision Endoscopy knife using multimode fibre Gerardo Nahum, Rosetta IP, Netanya, Israel KomIT – Center of Competence for Innovative Diabetes Therapy Prof. Dr. Juergen Eckel, German Diabetes Center, Düsseldorf, Germany C-myDNA „Genetic discovery marketplace for medical, health and fun use“ Peter Walgemoed, Carelliance, Eindhoven, Netherlands mRNA-based nanomedicines for tissue regeneration Prof. Dr. Raymond Schiffelers, University Medical Center Utrecht – Nanomedicine, Utrecht, Netherlands Human placental stromal cells therapy for tissue regeneration in degenerative and inflammatory conditions and mitigation of radiation damages Prof. Dr. Raphael Gorodetsky, Hadassah hebrew University Medical center, Jerusalem, Israel / Head, Lab. of Biotechnology and Radiobiology, Sharett Institute of Oncology, Jerusalem, Israel Digital tools for program evaluation of intraoperative Aseptic Practices Prof. Dr. Teija-Kaisa Aholaakko, Laurea University of Applied Sciences – Development Unit Education, Vantaa, Finland New technologies and solutions for early diagnosis and personalized prevention of neurodegenerative diseases Prof. Dr. Olga Safonicheva, First Moscow State Medical Universitet – Department of Post-Graduate education for Doctors, Moscow, Russia Energy II Use of low grade heat for power generation, pumping & compression Patrick Bliek, Encontech BV, Enschede, Netherlands Clean Air Foundation – how to deal with household energy poverty? Dr. Anna Dyląg, Fundacja Czyste Powietrze, Szczecin, Poland Design of perovskite-based materials with active learning techniques Dr. Lorenz Romaner, Materials Center Leoben Forschung GmbH, Leoben, Austria Solar Lighting for Healthier Living Ofer Becker, Solight LTD, Tirat Hacarmel, Israel Modelling innovation in the energy industry Salome Gonzalez Vazquez, VDE|FNN – International Relations, Berlin, Germany Solar Roof Tile for photovoltaic & solar thermal Johannes Heun, paXos Consulting & Engineering GmbH & Co. KG – Engineering, Monheim, Germany Capacity building programmes to support implementation of energy audits Jesús Serrano, Sustainable Innovations Europe – R&D Department, Madrid, Spain | |
18.15 | Session 3: Innovation & Impact “Science Show” Physikanten & Co |
“Horizon Europe: Challenges and Instruments” Dr. Wolfgang Burtscher, Deputy Director-General for Research and Innovation, European Commission, Brussels | |
“Horizon Europe: First Impressions from NRW” Isabel Pfeiffer-Poensgen, Minister of Culture and Science of North Rhine-Westphalia | |
Panel discussion “Impact-oriented Support for Innovation: Today and Tomorrow” Dr. Wolfgang Burtscher, Deputy Director-General for Research and Innovation, European Commission, Brussels Isabel Pfeiffer-Poensgen, Minister of Culture and Science of North Rhine-Westphalia Prof. Andreas Pinkwart, Minister of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digitalization and Energy of North Rhine-Westphalia | |
Moderation: Dr. Peter Fisch, Coburg | |
19.30 | Dinner |
Friday, 15 February 2019 (Day 2)
including exhibition: Innovations for Europe based in NRW
9.30 | Welcome |
9.35 | Services for Proposals and Projects Jan Skriwanek, National Contact Point Life Sciences, DLR-PT |
9.45 | Success stories in Europe based in NRW Life Sciences: P4SB, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lars M. Blank, RWTH Aachen, Aachen Life Sciences: PICASO, Dr. Carlos A Velasco, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Angewandten Forschung e.V., Sankt Augustin |
10.05 | Coffee/Start of parallel sessions |
10.15 | Session 4: Parallel workshops “European projects seeking partners” Circular Economy IV Tapping the Full Inter- and Transdisciplinary Potential: Social Science and Humanities as a USP in European Research and Innovation Projects Prof. Dr. Alexander Gerber, Hochschule Rhein-Waal – Wissenschaftskommunikation, Kleve, Germany SPIN APP, a security, energy, environment, water & waste performance assessment tool in line with COP 21 and subsequent COP agreements Anne Leemans, Yellow design Foundation, Brussels, Belgium Restoration of urban ecosystems Prof. Dr. Michel Chalot, Université De Bourgogne Franche Comté – Chrono-environment Laboratory, Montbeliard, France AI solutions for circular economy Dr. Markus Sihvonen, Luas Oy – ICT, Lahti, Finland Circular economy concepts towards the mitigation of greenhouse gases: A multiscale approach Dr. Manuel Morillas, Institut Quimic de Sarria – Research, Barcelona, Spain ICT IV „From analogue Photography to high-tech Data-Archiving“ The piqlfilmGO Project Horizon2020 Moritz Graf zu Eulenburg, InovisCoat GmbH, Monheim., Germany Network of European-level digital platforms supporting the development, business growth and internalisation of Solo- and Micro-enterprises Dr. Kai Hänninen, University of Oulu – Kerttu Saalasti Institute, Nivala, Finland CAPID: a novel way to communicate with smartphones. Current implementations (card games, access gates, payments) and future prospects Tomasz Stachewicz, Rebased sp. z o.o., Warsaw, Poland Technology transfer via multinational application experiments in customized and low‐energy computing Eva Haas, RWTH Aachen University – Forschungsförderung, Aachen, Germany AI Supported No-Code Application Design & Marketing Platform Yagmur Melih Gurtunca, YALIN SOFTWARE – Project Department, Bursa, Turkey Industry Related Research and Development Interests Dr. Heli Helaakoski, VTT, Oulu, Finland CyberSecurity and Artificial Intelligence Ralf Benzmüller, G DATA Software AG – SecurityLabs, Bochum, Germany The Internet of Citizens: Social Commitment in Smart Communities Prof. Dr. Piet Kommers, Helix5 – Dept Research and Development, Enschede, Netherlands Implementation, application and utilization of ‘smart systems’ in the real-virtual world Prof. Dr. Robert E. Wendrich, University of Twente – Dept. of Design, Production and Management, Enschede, Netherlands Life Sciences IV Mossakowski Medical Research Centre (MMRC) – bridge between medical biology and clinical medicine. Current research scientific and human potential Dr. Dorota Makarewicz, Instytut Medycyny Doświadczalnej i Klinicznej PAN – Administration, Warsaw, Poland Combination of several commercial movement sensors with ECG / HR capabilities Nico Kaartinen, Kaasa solution GmbH, Düsseldorf, Germany Increasing the Efficiency of IVF Czibok Balázs, University of Pécs – Technology Tansfer Office, Pécs, Hungary Milteny Biotec Empowering Discovery – Advancing Therapy Dr. Manal Hadenfeld, Miltenyi Biotec – R&D, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany How can SPECT imaging help you Dr. J. Arturo García-Horsman, University of Helsinki – Faculty of Pharmacy, Helsinki, Finland Artificial intelligence methods for supporting drug design Szymon Bazan, Alphamoon – R&D, Wrocław, Poland From Fertility Microbiome profiling to Fertility Therapy Dr. Jonathan de Jonge, ARTPred BV, Den Bosch, Netherlands Integration and analysis of biomedical data for patient stratification Dr. Lorna Morris, LifeGlimmer GmbH, Berlin, Germany Creation and use of an electronic, clinics and patients comprehensive, monitoring and tracking system (PMCF system) for class III medical devices using the example of hip implants Dr. Dieter Werdier, SAM Gesellschaft für Statistische Analysen und Monitoring mbH – RDE/PMCF System Development, Aachen, Germany Transport IV Quick-Charging-Plug and -Cable for electric mobility Johannes Heun, paXos Consulting & Engineering GmbH & Co. KG – Engineering, Monheim, Germany EMERG.EDU Anna Nikodym-Bilska, Air Force Institute of Technology, Warsaw, Poland Light aircraft equipped with electric power system based on hydrogen fuel cells Dr. Piotr Czarnocki, Warsaw University of Technology – Institute of Aeronautics and Applied Mechanics, Warsaw, Poland Join analytical calculation to numerical simulation of scroll compressors Dr. Manuel Buisson, Institut of Physics of Rennes- University of Rennes – Mechanics & Glasses Department, Rennes, France Advanced Concepts for Aero‑Structures with Integrated Antennas and Sensors (ACASIAS) Dr. Marta Martinez-Vazquez, IMST Gmb , Kamp-Lintfort, Germany FIT-4-AMandA. Future European Fuel Cell Technology Patrick Wunderlin, United Parcel Service – Automotive Engineering, Langenhagen, Germany Environmental transformation Miguel Gallardo, Vertech Group – R&D, Nice, France Smart Factory Development and Implementation for Production of Aircraft Wing and Fuselage Structures Dr. Amool Raina, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany |
12.00 | Session 5: Parallel workshops “European projects seeking partners” NMM V Nanostructured Hybrid Materials Prof. Dr. Amir Fahmi, Rhein-Waal University of Applied Sciences – Faculty Technology and Bionics, Kleve, Germany Theoretical Boussisnes indentation of an elastic-brittle material : investigate nucleus of cone-crack via Cartan geometry Dr. Manuel Buisson, Institut of Physics of Rennes- UMR6251CNRS-University of Rennes – Mechanics & Glasses Department, Rennes, France Imagine Chemistry, Nouryon’s Collaborative Innovation program Minke Janssens, Nouryon – Research, Development and Innovation, Deventer, Netherlands Trusted Environments: safe information exchange in the innovation process Dr. Teun Sluijters, Public Impact, Voorburg, Netherlands ICT V Easy and secure data sharing in the value chain Sibel Kuzgun Akın, Yakamoz Software, Bursa, Turkey Software Modules Like Lego Blocks Zuhal Soyaslan, Nota Software – Software, Bursa, Turkey Aptoide app store: H2020 partner search Joao Casal, Aptoide, SA, Lisbon, Portugal Efficient and precise exploration of large data sets Prof. Dr. Leon Bobrowski, Bialystok University of Technology – Faculty of Computer Science, Bialystok, Poland Augmented accessibility – potential benefits and risks of using disruptive technologies in public services and public spaces Radoslaw Nagay, Panopticum, Szczecin, Poland Life Sciences V In Field Management Zoning Technologies in potatoes: IoF consortium and farmer experiences Albert Schirring, Bayer – Crop Strategy and Portfolio Management, Monheim, Germany Proven Antibiotic effect of an Ayurveda Herbal Formula to treat Bacterial infections, including MRSA. Cornelis Peters, Europa Ayurveda Centrum – Product development, Witharen, Netherlands Hyper-accumulation and detoxification of heavy metals by conditioned plants and bacteria Prof. Dr. Egon Amann, University of Applied Sciences Hamm-Lippstadt – Ham1, Hamm, Germany Urban Environment, Nature Based Solutions (NBS), and Quality of Life Dr. Herbert Haubold, European Topic Centre on Urban, Land and Soil systems, ETC/ULS – Environment Agency Austria, Vienna, Austria Serco’s H2020 experience in the MOSES and EOPEN Innovation Projects – some synergies for fostering their commercial exploitation Dr. Maria Gabriella Scarpino, Serco Italia S.p.A., Frascati, Italy Bacteriocins applications for the development of new genetic control of microbial strains in industrial fermentation Guy Helin, SYNGULON, Seraing, Belgium PCP/PPI V Would the following suit: PPI Activities from Ireland – a startup story Mike Mc Grath, PTI, Cork, Ireland STARS: reduction of patient stress in case of elective surgery Dr. Ine Vandewauw, Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands From requirement assessment to certification – Development of a Certification Framework for Intelligent/Smart and complex PPE Jan Jordan, Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany Best Practices in Sustainable Procurement Vaishali Baid, Alexander von Humboldt German Chancellor Fellowship, Cologne, Germany |
13.00 | Interactive lunch/Find a partner |
Van der Valk Airporthotel
Am Hülserhof 5740472, Düsseldorf
Airport-Venue shuttle
The shuttle with e-cars will run from the airport to the venue (and back) on 14 and 15 February 2019.
Click here for more information about the shuttle service: shuttle information
About one week prior to the event, we will inform all participants who have indicated that they require an airport-venue shuttle where and when the shuttle service will run!
The meeting point at the airport where the shuttle leaves will be signposted.
The service is operated free of charge as a courtesy to our participants and on a “first-come, first served” basis. Please note that it is not possible to book the shuttle in
Around 400 stakeholders from science and business took part in the international networking event “Successful R&I in Europe 2019” on 14 and 15 February.
It was the tenth time that the Ministry of Culture and Science of the German State of North Rhine-Westphalia had extended an invitation to the “Successful Research & Innovation in Europe” conference in Düsseldorf. In its anniversary year, a record 400 delegates from science and business (double the figure from the first conference in 2009!) from 30 countries seized the opportunity to present not only new ideas for future projects but also research results ready for commercialisation, seek potential partners for joint “Horizon 2020” proposals and engage in networking.

Isabel Pfeiffer-Poensgen, Minister, and Klaus Kaiser, Parliamentary State Secretary, both from the Ministry of Culture and Science, took part on behalf of the German State of North Rhine-Westphalia in the international platform organised by the NRW.Europa team at ZENIT. The European Commission was represented by Dr. Wolfgang Burtscher, Deputy Director-General for Research and Innovation and Mattia Pellegrini of the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME).
The conference focussed on “Horizon 2020”, the European Union’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, for which a budget of about € 80 billion was/is available for research projects in the period from 2014 to 2020. About € 20 billion in funding are still available for the last two years of the programme.

“Few other regions spend as much on research as we do. North Rhine-Westphalia is in a good position to deliver a valuable contribution,” said Klaus Kaiser, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Ministry of Culture and Science, in his welcome address. He went on to say that the platform is an excellent opportunity for stakeholders in North Rhine-Westphalia to establish interesting contacts with whom to put innovative ideas into practice.
Mattia Pellegrini, Head of Department Finance and Administration at the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (the European Commission body in charge of the Enterprise Europe Network), spoke on “Ten Years of the Enterprise Europe Network: Results and Challenges”, stressing the Network’s importance for Europe’s business and research landscape.

“Engaging with proposers is essential in order to identify what advice and support they require. Only in this way can a seamless transition from Horizon 2020 to Horizon Europe succeed in 2021 and can we continue to expand North Rhine-Westphalia’s participation in the forthcoming Framework Programme for Research and Innovation,” said Isabel Pfeiffer-Poensgen, NRW’s Minister of Culture and Science, in her keynote speech entitled “Horizon Europe: First Impressions from NRW”.
Dr. Wolfgang Burtscher, Deputy Director-General for Research and Innovation, explained the draft proposal for Horizon Europe, which will follow on from Horizon 2020 and run from 2021 to 2027. The programme has a budget of € 100 billion and represents a revised and improved research and innovation agenda aimed at making better use of Europe’s globally leading role in research excellence and of its industrial strengths.

The conference was structured in thematic workshops – with about 120 pitches over the two-day event – and open networking sessions. The topics presented originated, amongst others, from the fields of ICT, nanotechnologies, energy, life sciences and transport.
With over 3,000 delegates in total, the “Successful R&I in Europe” conference series, for which the working language is English despite the German venue, has been a tremendous success since it first took place in 2009. This large number of participants substantiates its importance for Europe’s research and innovation calendar. The consortia it has produced have led to over 100 project proposals at EU, national and regional level. The fact that over half the delegates came from abroad confirms that the format answers a demand for networking platforms at international level.

In the framework of a parallel exhibition entitled “Innovations for Europe based in NRW”, a number of selected projects and initiatives were presented.
Delegates had at their disposal an eCar shuttle service provided with the support of local sponsors that ran between Düsseldorf Airport and the impressive venue of Van der Valk Airporthotel.
The conference profited from a broad spectrum of promotional activities undertaken by the Enterprise Europe Network, the largest business, technology and innovation support network in the world (over 600 organisations in over 60 countries), of which ZENIT is a partner in a consortium with NRW.BANK and NRW.International. Further assistance was provided by many organisations in this year’s partner countries: Belgium, Finland, France, Israel, the Netherlands and Poland.

(From left to right: Dr. Karsten W. Lemke, ZENIT GmbH; Dr. Wolfgang Burtscher, Deputy Director-General for Research and Innovation, European Commission; Isabel Pfeiffer-Poensgen, Minister of Culture and Science of the German State of North Rhine-Westphalia; Dr. Bernd Janson, ZENIT GmbH; Dr. Peter Fisch, moderator)
- Keynote speech by Isabel Pfeiffer-Poensgen, Minister of Culture and Science
- Keynote speech by Klaus Kaiser, Parliamentary State Secretary
Dr. Bernd Janson
Tel.: +49(0)208 30004 22
Prior to the conference each year we announce a Call for Presentations.
Delegates are invited to submit suggestions for the presentation either of an idea for a joint Horizon 2020 proposal or of results from an EU-funded project ready for commercialisation. The presentations are held in the framework of workshops on specific themes, which are announced together with the conference programme.
The aim of the Call for Presentations is to facilitate communication between the participants.
Speakers profit threefold:
- They have the opportunity to present their ideas for joint Horizon 2020 proposals/EU-funded research results to the audience in a thematically related workshop.
- During the breaks there are special booths for further discussions between presenter and audience.
- The conference participation fee is waived for speakers! (One per presentation.)
Once the Call for Presentations has closed, all submissions are reviewed against specific criteria as follows:
- Was the required information provided (and within the deadline)?
- Is there evidence of sufficient experience in EU R&D&I programmes?
- Is there clear potential for joint projects within Horizon 2020, e.g. are concrete calls mentioned, or do the R&D&I results have real potential for commercialisation?
- Does the proposed topic fit in with the overall concept of the foreseen workshop and complement (and not duplicate/is not similar to) the other presentations?
The selected speakers are notified and allocated a 6-minute time slot in one of the thematic workshops. They are then asked to submit a draft of their presentation so that the workshops can be prepared. Presenters are welcome to bring a final version to the event and upload it before the start of their session.
Presentations are uploaded on the conference website after the event.
Video „Impressions from Successful R&I in Europe 2019: 10th European Networking Event“
On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the conference series „Successful R&I in Europe: European Networking Event“, ZENIT GmbH/NRW.Europa produced a new video to celebrate its success over the last decade. The video features both the keynote speakers (Isabel Pfeiffer-Poensgen, NRW’s Minister of Culture and Science; Klaus Kaiser, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Ministry of Culture and Science; Dr. Wolfgang Burtscher, Deputy Director-General for Research and Innovation, European Commission; Mattia Pellegrini, Head of Department Finance and Administration, Executive Agency for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (EASME)) and testimonials from other important players in the European innovation and technology landscape, such as Dr. Peter Fisch, former Head of Unit at DG Research and Innovation, representatives of the Enterprise Europe Network, the National Contact Points as well as project managers and innovative enterprises in NRW.
Happy Viewing!