Successful R&I in Europe 2022 – Agenda


Thursday, 17 February 2022 (Day 1)

including exhibition: Innovations for Europe based in NRW

Conference Moderator: Dr Bernd Janson

13.05Opening session
Dr Dirk Günnewig, Secretary of State, Ministry of Culture and Science of North Rhine-Westphalia
13.15Keynote speech
„Horizon Europe – investing in R&I to shape our future”
Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth,
European Commission, Brussels (tbc)
13.35Success stories in Europe based in NRW
Partner Regions and Services for Proposals and Projects
Dr Karsten W. Lemke, ZENIT GmbH
14.00Coffee/Start of parallel sessions
14.15Session 1: Parallel workshops
“European projects seeking partners”

– Cluster 4: Digital (ICT)
– Cluster 4: Industry (Materials)
– Cluster 5: Energy
– Cluster 6: Food & Bioeconomy
16.15Session 2: Parallel workshops
“European projects seeking partners”

– Cluster 4: Digital (ICT)
– Cluster 4: Industry (Materials)
– Cluster 5: Energy
– Cluster 6: Food & Bioeconomy
18.15Get-together and Online Game

Friday, 18 February 2022 (Day 2)

including exhibition: Innovations for Europe based in NRW

Conference Moderator: Dr Bernd Janson

9.35Services for Proposals and Projects
Jan Skriwanek, National Contact Point Health, DLR-PT                                                                          
9.45Success stories in Europe based in NRW 
10.05Coffee/Start of parallel sessions
10.15Session 3: Parallel workshops
“European projects seeking partners”

– Cluster 4: Digital (ICT)
– Cluster 4: Industry (Materials)
– Cluster 1: Health
– Cluster 5: Mobility
12.00Session 4: Parallel workshops
“European projects seeking partners”

– Cluster 4: Digital (ICT)
– Cluster 4: Industry (Materials)
– Cluster 6: Food & Bioeconomy
– Innovative Procurement (PCP/PPI)
13.00Interactive lunch/Find a partner