Successful R&I in Europe 2025 – Call for Presentations

How to participate in the Call for Presentations

Thank you for your interest and support: Over 350 participants have registered so far!

The aim of the Call for Presentations is to facilitate communication between the participants.

Speakers profit threefold:

  • They have the opportunity to present their Horizon Europe projects/ideas for joint Horizon Europe proposals/EU-funded research results to the audience in the specific workshop.
  • During the breaks there are special booths for further discussions between presenter and audience.
  • The conference participation fee is waived for speakers! (One per presentation.)

Each presentation lasts a maximum of 6 minutes.

Parallel workshops will focus on eight topics:

  • Cluster 1: Health
  • Cluster 2: Creative Industries
  • Cluster 4: Digital Technologies
  • Cluster 4: Industrial Technologies
  • Cluster 5: Energy
  • Cluster 5: Mobility
  • Cluster 6: Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
  • Innovation Procurement (PCP/PPI)

Please find below instructions on how to register and participate in the call.



  1. Please go to the registration and proposal submission page. Click on the blue button „Register as participant“.
  2. Please tick one of the two options (i.e. Germany or elsewhere) and click on the blue button „Start the registration process“.
  3. Click on the category that applies for you (in most cases, this will be “Participant”) and click on „Start the registration process“.
  4. Please select the days on which you want to attend as well as any additional offers.
  5. Click on the green button „Confirm selection and continue“.
  6. Please enter your personal data in the template, agree or disagree with its inclusion in the List of Participants, create a user account and tick the box that you accept the Privacy Policy. Click on the green button „Save details and continue.
  7. Click on the green button „Proceed to check-out“.
  8. Please verify payment method (the only option is bank transfer), click on „Conditions of participation“ and then on „Complete booking subject to charge“. Your invoice will be issued in February. Please appreciate that it must be settled BEFORE the event, as participation will otherwise be refused. Note: If you are seected as a presenter, your conference fee will be waived.

You are now registered for the event. You will receive an email with your personal login data, which you will need to access your account.


To submit a proposal for the Call for Presentations, please proceed as follows:

  1. Log into your account with the login data you have received by email and click on the blue button „Submit new proposal“.
  2. Please follow the instructions, observe the criteria and enter your data in the boxes under „Basic information“.
  3. Click on “Continue”.
  4. Please enter your proposal description.
  5. Click on the green button „Save data and proceed“.
  6. Click on the green button „Submit“.

You have submitted your proposal and will receive a confirmation email.